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Re-use of historic buildings: RTPI East Midlands webinar
RTPI Devon, Cornwall and Somserset Young Planners - To Conserve or Not to Conserve Webinar
Climate Change and the Ecological Turn in Planning: RTPI West Midlands webinar
Webinar Wednesday: Overcoming the Challenges of Economically Reusing/Restoring Historic Buildings
Planning Enforcement Week: Historic Building Enforcement
Ask the Expert - LVIA: RTPI South West webinar on landscape and visual impact assessments
Reinforcing good design principles on small to medium scale developments: RTPI South West webinar
RTPI East Midlands Awards for Planning Excellence 2021
Historic Building work in progress (Ampleforth Abbey)
COVID 19 planning system changes and the historic environment: Part 1 - RTPI South East webinar
WEBINAR: The only way is up: changes to PD rights, change of use and upwards development
Offshore Energy and Reinforcing the Grid in the East of England